How Your Customer Behavior Has Changed Since May

Phillip Stutts
5 min readJun 12, 2020


I’m back with NEW customer data to help you in this chaotic economic moment.

Since March, I’ve partnered with the largest data collection company in America on three national consumer data insights reports where (so far) 16,853 Americans have been surveyed, matched to 200 million+ consumers, 550 million connected devices, and tracking 10 billion daily online decisions– all in one database.

This is the real deal.

And we’ve released all of these COVID-19 Consumer Research surveys for free so anyone can download it and use it. I want to help you — no strings attached.

Some rather dramatic changes have occurred with consumers and the economy since May (even with the recent Black Lives Matter protests) and you need to know what’s going on immediately.

How valuable has this data been for the business owners who have utilized it?

To date, we’ve had 42,908 downloads of the first two COVID-19 Consumer Research and summaries). I’ve privately heard from over 125 different business owners stating that this data has saved or even grown their bottom line.

If you want to skip my “top takeaways,” then scroll to the bottom of this post and download the data for free. Otherwise, let’s jump in with my big-picture insights that are most important for you — including the following:

  • 20% increase in the importance of messaging to personal values to American consumers (pre-COVID vs. now).
  • 73 million American consumers have radically shifted their personal buying/purchasing values (see below on what new messages are working now).
  • Least effective messaging to convert customers/clients right now is around “pleasure and/or influence”.
  • 71% of Americans are more concerned about their finances than their health.

Pay attention to that last bullet above (71% more concerned about finances over health) because it’s a key indicator for how you should message to customers or clients (through your sales teams, marketing, and brand).

Let’s go in-depth on NEW MESSAGING for your clients or customers. Here is what you need to know right now:

For the first time in 2 ½ months, messaging to your customers has shifted. When we first went into lockdown, I was very aggressive (following the data) to use three message points with your target audience: “Safety, Trust and Helping Others”.

That messaging has now shifted and consumers are prioritizing “safety and security” at a much higher rate than “helping others” (FYI — “trust” is inherent in safety). “Helping others” is not as important right now — most Americans are focused on themselves. Also, the data is clear that focusing on a brand, business, or service with “local ties” is extremely important (consumers see this as “safe”).

Where in the data do I see this massive expansion in the “safety” theme?

1. Life not going back to normal for more than a year. 10.8% believed that in March, 21.6% believed that in April. Now 29.5% believe that.

2. When will the economy return to normal? 55% of Americans said 2021 in our last survey. Now it’s 73.8% of Americans that believe the economy will not truly restart until after Dec. 2020. Americans are worried and you must solve that problem for them with your messaging (around safety).

3. We have to have a vaccine before we return to normal/full capacity with the following industries (that suffer from social distancing): Churches, movie theaters, and entertainment/sports live gatherings.

What are some examples of how to utilize the “safety” message?

  • In late 2019 Coca-Cola ran an ad campaign that stated: “Open a Coke, Open Happiness.” They recently shifted billions of ad dollars to the “safety” message, including this example: “Staying Apart is the Best Way to Stay United.”
  • At my agency, Win BIG Media, we work with a 9-figure real estate title company. Their B2B “customers” are real-estate agents. Our recent marketing campaign notified this “realtor market” about our client’s new and “safe” COVID-19 policies, including offering non-contact drive-through and online closing options. We’ve seen a 50% increase in key conversion metrics from this “safety” message.
  • We work with a B2C e-commerce food and product company. By targeting the right audience in the right market (vegan, vegetarian and organic food buyers in New York City), we saw a 25% increase (compared to cities with a low Covid-19 infection rate) by utilizing these two “safety” messages: “Don’t Compromise Your Family’s Health with Toxic Products” and “Horrified by Ingredients in your Skincare Products? We Make Safe Natural Plant-Powered Products that Support Immunity.”
  • Our New York City law firm client has seen a 6x return on new, non-referral clients since we launched our “safety” branded ads.
  • Finally, click HERE to read our brand new “flash case study” for one of our pest control clients, where we quickly shifted their messaging and grew their bottom line by 2–4x.

The 3rd COVID-19 Consumer Research survey can be found at — just click on the tab labeled “Covid-19 Consumer Research”. There are no opt-ins. No funnels. Just download it for free.

Finally, keep in mind, times are changing — so is consumer purchasing behavior. We will release a 4th COVID-19 Consumer Research survey in a few weeks + a detailed Consumer Sentiment Data report surrounding the recent Black Lives Matter protests (Do you know how your company should respond to customers in the wake of the protests? If not, the data will show you a path forward).

If you want to be the first to get this NEW data (and get an edge on your competition), just subscribe HERE.


PS — If you are an avid podcaster like me, and you want to learn even more on these consumer data insights, then check out this interview with my friend Dr. Drew Pinsky. We cover how business owners can use this data to get a message out and beat the hell out of their competition. The window to get ahead and survive this economic catastrophe is right now. Download it on iTunes or Click HERE to listen.



Phillip Stutts

Founder/CEO: Win Big Media | Founder: Go Big Media | Repped by Vayner Speakers & Keppler Speakers | Author: “Fire Them Now: The 7 Lies Digital Marketers Sell…”