Banned by Facebook
My work was banned by Facebook. Let me tell you what happened…
A few weeks ago, I emailed 60 friends in the business world and asked them for help. I have a new book coming out in the spring and I wanted feedback on the 10 cover options my publisher had sent me to review.
Guess what happened? Of the 10 covers, three of them got 20 votes each. Weird that it went that way, but that’s not the story.
So I took the three top-voted covers, and asked my team to execute a $500 advertising A/B test on Facebook to see which one got the most clicks. For the campaign, we were going to target CEOs, C-Suite executives and marketers (this will be the target audience for the new book).
And that’s when the shit-storm hit….
Before I go any further, I’d be incredibly grateful for your vote on my new book cover. See below, click on the one you like and let me know.
So back to the story.
The new title of my book is: The Undefeated Marketing System — How To Grow Your Business And Build Your Brand Using The Secret Formula That Elects Presidents
Let me ask you a question…does that sound like a book that’s trying to influence an election? Or does it sound like a business marketing book?
Facebook said my title was a violation of their political ad ban and that my ads were trying to influence an election (what election was I trying to influence?!!?). They subsequently denied my test campaign.
So what did I do next?
Flabbergasted and confused, I told my team to appeal the decision and explain to the moronic Facebook “hall monitors” that the book has nothing to do with right vs. left or any election; it’s about how business leaders should employ a 5-step marketing system that is used to elect presidents, including Donald Trump and Joe Biden (or any political candidate).
I’ll give you one guess as to how the needle-nosed referees at Facebook responded to my appeal.
You got it right, they refused to back down and then banned my business book ad campaign, again, claiming it was a violation of their policy for trying to influence an election.
We are living in the most abundant moment in the history of the world…with the dumbest people — from the tech oligarchs controlling whose speech they like and don’t like, to the morons storming the capitol -this is a time of utter stupidity.
So once again, I need your help because I truly want to know what cover you like best and would prompt you to buy it in a bookstore. I’d be incredibly grateful if you would vote on it HERE (it will take you less than 5 seconds).
P.S.: After my last post regarding our consumer data survey, I was asked to discuss our findings with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business’s top rated morning show, “Mornings With Maria” — Watch the interview below and let me know how you see the economy coming back this year:
P.P.S. When you become a subscriber to my exclusive bi-weekly marketing insights articles, you will always get first (AND FREE) access before anyone else (i.e. your competition). If you know someone that will benefit from these key insights, forward this to them so they can use it in this critical moment.