4 Easy Marketing Tips That Will Absolutely Grow Your Bottom Line
Interested in knowing four of my favorite super-easy marketing tactics that you can flawlessly execute and grow your business exponentially (and they cost almost nothing)?
Good — because today, I will lay them out for you– not only in this blog…but I’ve also gone in-depth on my podcast about them — and I’m giving you access to it for free…
1. In all my years of marketing, there are 3 types of ads that I have consistently seen convert at a higher rate than any other types of ads: ads with 5-star reviews that offer social proof, humorous ads that create a connection with customers through laughter, and “comparatising” ads that effectively draw a distinction between a brand, product, or service and its competitors. So, if you’re going to create an ad and want to stick to a tried-and-true template, I would choose 1 of those 3 types of ads. Want to hear me discuss how I execute these ideas for my clients? Check out Episode #1 of The Undefeated Marketing podcast HERE
2. In The Undefeated Marketing System, I talked about how much I appreciate the thank-you notes I received from Billy Reid and Guidry Organic Farms. Here’s another story on the power of sending handwritten thank-you notes to your customers and clients. Flashback to November 2004. President George W. Bush had just won a second term as president, and I had just finished a 3-year political campaign run on his behalf, where I had 21 days off — total. It was a time of uncertainty and vulnerability because I was exhausted and knew I was about to start a new chapter in my life. And that’s when President George W. Bush’s top campaign advisor, Karl Rove, changed my life, helped me become a better person, and frankly, made me millions — with 1 simple action. I received a handwritten note from Rove thanking me for my service on behalf of the president.
That thank-you note changed my life. The act was simple, it was generous, it was thoughtful…and I deeply appreciated it. Why did Karl Rove do it? It’s easy really: he cared, he was grateful, and he was willing to carve out his most valuable asset — time — to express it. And so I did the same thing. I saw a small gesture like a handwritten thank-you note go 1,000 times further than an email “thank-you,” a phone call “thank you,” or worse, the “thank-you” text. Write every customer a handwritten thank-you note after each purchase. This one tactic alone has helped make more meaningful connections with my clients, and those relationships have grown my business into the millions. Curious to hear even more on this idea? Check out Episode #2 and Episode #4 of my podcast to get even cooler insights on you can execute this.
3. If you want to build a raving fan base, always give your customers and clients more than they expect. For example, when someone signs a contract with you or makes a purchase, send them a welcome package, free gift, or discount code. Give first to create loyalty. I talk about this topic with the legendary marketer, David Meerman Scott on Episode 4 of the Undefeated Marketing podcast HERE.
4. Imagine that you had a business selling products on Amazon, and you spent years building a following. You had tons of 5-star reviews and repeat customers. Now, imagine that one day, Amazon suddenly decided to pull the plug on your shop. What would you do? If that was your only means of communicating with your customers, your business would be dead. I see so many business owners who let social media platforms and online retailers, like Amazon, completely control their customer data. That means they’re essentially renting customers from those platforms. Don’t rent your customers by relying solely on those platforms for storing your customer data. Do everything you can to collect information about your customers and connect with them outside of those platforms. For example, if you’re selling products on Amazon, include a note in the package that says, “If you visit our website and sign up, we’ll give you a 20% discount on your next purchase.” Then, when they come back to you directly, you’ll own that data, and you’ll have access to it, no matter what happens. Here’s the bottom line: you must collect and own your data. When you own your customer or client data, you own your business. This lesson is so important and I go really deep with the great James Altucher on this exact topic in Episode #6 of my podcast HERE.
PS — When you become an exclusive subscriber to my “Undefeated Marketing” bi-weekly data, business, and marketing blog, you will always get first (AND FREE) access to our consumer data and insider offers before anyone else (i.e., your competition). If you know someone that will benefit from these critical insights, forward this to them and encourage them to sign up HERE.
PPS — Throughout my new book, you’ll read a lot about the “Customer Insights Report” and how vital customer data is for building lasting relationships with your customers. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: if you want to beat the rigged marketing game, your first step is taking a deep dive into your customer or client data. Win Big Media, my corporate marketing agency, is offering a free customer data assessment to help you find out how your ideal customers or clients think, feel, and act. We’ll walk you through how our patented process analyzes your consumer data. And we’ll show you how those insights can help you connect with your customers and drive more conversions. Interested in learning more about how you can always win the marketing game for your business? You can go to phillipstutts.com/insights to get started.